Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Radical Dreamers ~ Unstealable Jewel

Here it is, the moment of truth. The end of this week marks the crossroad that's been awaiting me all summer. In a short stretch of days I'll see all but a handful of my closest friends depart to find things that I thought I would too at this time. When I think about it though, I don't think I'm ready for the experience. A part of me says that I'm fine staying at this place longer. Taking a different path than most people, I'll need to figure out why I was meant to stay here.

I held picking a college off for the most part because I didn't know what I wanted. Last fall I applied to over twenty schools, essentially every single one that even mildly sparked my interest. In the end I made a fool of myself when I got into over a dozen of them, and yet I didn't want to go to any of those. I halfheartedly committed myself to Riverside, a school I almost didn't even apply to. Well here I am, about to start my fall quarter at De Anza after dropping my contract to UCR, but what progress have I made? I still have no plan for the future, and I don't know what school I even want to transfer to. "Transfer Planning" isn't so smooth when you don't have a goal to plan towards.

Depressing thoughts aside, this summer has been amazing. Senior year had been everything I had hoped for and more, and this summer met every last one of my expectations. I spent all of senior year hyping the "Big Final Summer" and it has been the greatest experience of my life. Carefree, exciting, and heartwarming. Epic sausagefest sleepovers, BBQs at Alan's, ghetto adventures, treal talks over cold beer, LAN parties, adventures in Azeroth. I honestly could not ask for more. This is the first time a summer has ended and I'm 110% content. TAGlove <3 for real.
This summer has gone on so long it's hard to believe its real. I can barely even remember what was happening at the end of senior year. Sadly in a week I can't taunt people about going to school anymore. I've discovered so much about myself, friendships, and relationships. Things are looking up, despite the sadness that seems to be traced to this time of year.
Just remember it's not goodbye, it's see you later