Monday, January 28, 2008

Ex's and Oh's

This weekend has

I'm apologizing in advance for blowing my steam here but I had to do it somewhere.

It was sort of surreal. Having a few days worth of sheer anxiety/excitement turn into pure anger in an instant. I normally consider myself a pretty tolerant person. For the first time, I actually felt the urge to kick someone's ass while talking to them: to feel the desire to straight up tell them to shut their fucking mouth and knock them out. I've never had that sort of urge, its unbelievable to think I had it in Key Club. I've never had to dwell on just simply anger for so long. I couldn't believe some of the things that went through my head; I almost cussed him out on the spot and quit KC. I still can't believe what had happened. I was getting punished for a fault that was out of my control, and for a problem I had already solved. I thought this was a club for building leadership and service? I still have yet to see how being punished for the organization's problems and subsequently having 20+ would've-been audience members leave a fund raiser could possibly serve a purpose. Worst of all, why should I be punished AFTER I've finished all of my preparations. I spent over ten hours practicing, over two hours making a song, and an hour just getting together all my materials.

To make it short, I wasted my entire Thursday, Friday, and Saturday practicing for NOTHING.

I would like to thank you for:
-Wasting about 15 hours of my time
-Wasting collectively 60 hours of my friends' time practicing
-Essentially wasting our ENTIRE WEEKEND
-Wasting the gas and time of over 20 people who were coming from Cupertino, Santa Clara, San Jose, and San Mateo
-Wasting the $30 or so I spent purchasing props for the competition.
-Wasting the money I spent RUSH MAILING our dues
-Wasting the 0 score I received on my Physiology essay which I held off preparing for the event.
-Leaving many of my club members bitter towards your organization.
-Choosing to ignore my very thorough and reasonable explanation as well as your own peers' words to change your mind.

Yeah...this weekend hasn't been cool


kendal said...

:( I'm sorry about that.
I hope February will give you justice.

Physiology is killing me. What the heck, and I truly suck at memorizing!

bebysofresh said...

shit. you got a zero on the essay? wow marvin.. true presidency.